Unity has released a new game for children by the name of Bead Trail. Bead Trail was developed for Android by Paul Schreiber. Bead Trial is an attractive and entertaining app for children. The game is based on the classic wooden based puzzle that helps children play and learn at the same time. Children while playing the game don’t get bored with the classis design of wooden based puzzle as Unity has designed Bead Trial with five unique interactive scenes. Each of the scenes comes with exclusive themed graphics.
Parents can help their children start the app by simply tap the icon to load a specific scene. The delightful and sweet bead characters needs to be drag or flick to make them fly along their trial. As compared with many other piercing apps, Bead Trial is quiet and beautifully designed app for children. It costs just 0.99$.
( By Androiders we mean those who love to use Android )
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