Great news for iCloud and Android users! After spending quite some time, we successfully configured an iCloud email on Android (account onto Galaxy Nexus running stock ICS). The process is simple and works after all. You can simply set up iCloud email from the default email client application. Launch the email app, and add an account.

How to Setup iCloud Email on Android
Add the following settings for incoming mail.
Add username and password credentials. Make sure you exclude
IMAP server:
Port: 993
Security type: SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates)
Add the following settings for outgoing mail.
SMTP server:
Port: 587
Security type: STARTTLS (accept all certificates)
Tick ‘Yes’ for Require Sign In and add username /password credentials excluding again.
It works as it did for most users. We tested this out on different Android devices. Different emails were sent and received as a part of testing and the workability of the account. It was smooth just like other accounts on the device. Give it a try, if having any issues or problems we would be more than happy to help around! Let us know if it worked for you. Not to forget if you have configured iCloud email on your new Android device, but the complete iCloud setup remains untouched. To sync the remaining click here to read a detailed guide on how to sync iCloud contacts and calendars.
33444 says
Worked for me!
Parvizchitsaz says
I just got Culdn’t open connection to server.
Guest says
After trying for months…. you are the best. I now got my S3 and Note working with my me mail. Thanks so much.
Djangobill says
I have a droid Incredible, 3G. (I’m not happy with it, but I have to wait till Oct. for my contract to expire, at which time I plan to go iPhone). I’ve set up my mac a/c per the instructions. I can receive mail, but I can’t send mail. I assume this is an smtp setting issue. I keep getting an error message. I’ve tried several settings. Anyone having this problem?
mssuaz says
I was having issues connecting and unable to send email as well. A quick refresh to settings worked fine.. thanks!!!>
mob125 says
for all of you who are having problem, … a quick refresh would be good. I mean after initializing all the settings.. close the app and re-open the connection and refresh. It should work. It worked for me on my s 3 and transformer tab.
Woahman says
Worked a treat – I had tried lots of other forum comments, these were the only settings which actually connected to server and set-up properly…thanks!
Dean Olsen says
I get “Unable to connect to server. (Expected 000a() but got 000d())”
alm says
Dean refresh your settings. It should work!. or a quick restart might be helpful.