The Internet has become one of the most intensive tools used to gain knowledge and productivity. Online teaching has been of the top priorities for many schools. This means the internet is huge and fast. It’s mobile in its own way with unlimited accessibility. It’s gaining users very quickly and they will explore different horizons in terms of utilization and development. In this article, we share a short film titled state of the internet and a visual graphic highlighting some interesting stats. Keeping read.
State of Internet Short Film
State of the internet! Be it social media, broadband users, internet domination and usage etc. This video infographic continuously keeps on updating, giving users an up to date information regarding, internet users, type of usage, famous social media websites, most search items on Google, e-commerce and more. The State of the Internet is a short film about the growth of the internet. Around 4 minutes in length, it shares a lot of useful insights into the usage of the internet.
State of Internet Infographic
This infographic (2012) starts off by highlighting global internet penetration stats. Global average internet speeds are the next big section with South Korea topping the list. Color tone is neat but becomes inaccessible at a few points – with the usage of white font color.

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