It is very interested talking about the telecommunication services in world’s 13th strongest economy named Australia. This small continent and beautiful country have achieved different milestones in telecommunications very quickly and still is growing on rapid pace. Telecommunications as an industry plays an important role in Australian Economy. Telecom Australia also known as The Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation is an Australian government-owned regulatory authority which provides landline solutions to 95% of Australian household. Major telecommunications players in mobile sector are Telstra, Optus, Vodafone, AAPT, Soul (SP Telemedia), Hutchison 3G (3 Mobile) and Powertel.
Like other developed countries, telecommunication sector is on boom in Australia. Landline telephony, mobile telephony, fax, television, radio and internet are widely used telecommunication modes around the continent. Smartphones such as iPhone, Android enabled handsets, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry devices have reshaped the telecommunication trends in Australia. There are 9.7 million active internet users in the country and most of them use Dialup, DSL, and mobile devices.
Among all the service providers Telstra is the largest one to provide mobile services, long distance telephone services, dialup services, DSL services, wireless services, and cable internet access throughout Australia. Among TV channels, ABC and SBS are government funded broadcasters providing services.
Day by day increasing number of mobile users, DSL users, and overall telecom users affect the telecom industry. More and more robust technologies are needed to provide the same level of quality telecommunication services. Apart from the technical point of view, telecommunications in Australia is growing at a stable continuous growth and in near future there will be further boost.
[Thanks all data sources that helped me completing this article]
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